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J2ME Tutorials

J2ME Tutorial

Java ME was designed by Sun Micro systems and is a replacement for a similar technology

J2ME Tutorial

1. Java Platform MicroEdition
Java ME was designed by Sun Micro systems and is a replacement for a similar technology, Personal Java. Originally developed under the Java Community Process as JSR 68, the different flavors of Java ME have evolved in separate JSRs.
2. MIDlet Life cycle
By default MIDlet is inthe paused states.when the application is executed by default startApp() method will call and when close the application the destroyApp() method will be called.
3. Source code of 'jad'and 'properties' file
Java Application Descriptor (JAD) filename extension is .jad and media type is text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor, which developed by the Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4. J2ME Hello World Example
This is the simple Hello World application. Inthis example we are creating a form name"Hello World" and creating a string message "HelloWorld!!!!!!!".
5. Creating MIDletApplication For Login inJ2ME
This example show to create the MIDlet application for user login . All MIDlet applications for the MIDP ( Mobile Information Device Profile) derived from MIDlet class and it play a role as a media torbetween the application and the environment in which the application runs.
6. Text Field MIDlet Example
This exampl eillustrates how to insert text field in your form. We are using here two TextField(name and company).We are taking both TextField variable in to the constructor(TextFieldExample) ofthe class.
7. J2ME Contact List
This example illustrates how to create your phonebook. In this example we are taking three SCREEN button ("Next","New", "Exit") and taking two TextBox("name", "number").
8. Date Field MIDlet Example
This example illustrates how to insert date field in your form. We are using here two fields DateField (datein anddateout) and initializea final static variable DATE which is 0.
9. J2ME Button MIDlet
This example illustrates how to create commandbutton in your form.Command class build to bind only the semantic information of the command it means command is not the actual action its contains only information about command.
10. J2ME Check Box Choice Group MIDlet
This example illustrates how to create check boxes into your form. In this example we are creating a Form("Technologies") that is having four different choices, ChoiceGroup ("JAVA", "J2ME", "J2EE","JSF").
>11. A MIDlet Example to execute Alert Message with an Image
In this "Alert Message"example, you will learn how to send an alert message to user whenever an action is called. The example have two different options 1. "ok" and option 2. "Cancel".
12. J2ME Alert Example
This example illustrates how to create alert through sound. In this examplewe are using Alert Type class for the different alert.
13. Radio Button in J2ME
In this tutorial you will see the MIDlet Example that is going to demonstrate, how to create the radio button in J2ME using MIDlet.The radio button is use to choose only one option at a time.
14. J2ME List Image
This example illustrates how to create list with image symbol. In this example we are trying to create list using of List class.
15. List in J2ME
This example illustrates how to create a Exclusive List.The Exclusive List isused to select only onelist element at a time.
16. J2ME Canvas Example
This example illustrates how to create a game using GameCanvas class. In this example we are extending GameCanvas class to draw the circle and rotate the circle continuously.
17. Creating Canvas Form Example
This example shows that how to use the Canvas Class in a Form.In this example we take two field in which integer number passed from the form and result will display on a Canvas circle.
18. Creating Menu Using Canvas Class
This example show to create the menu and call the canvas class to show the toggle message.
19. Creating Multiple Type List
This example is show to create the list which has multiple type choice option.
20. J2ME Ticker Example
This is the simple Ticker example which is used to auto scroll the data on the top of the form. It continuously scroll the data.
21. J2ME Thread Processing Example
In the given example, you will learn about the thread and how thread works in J2ME application. Anapplication can run multiple activities simultaneously using thread. Here we have defined differentstates of thread...
22. Draw Line in J2ME
In this example we are going to show you how to draw a line using J2ME. Please go through the below given J2ME syntax that includes all the package, methods and class to draw a line.
23. Draw Rectangle in J2ME
In this series of J2ME examples and tutorials, we have introduced you with it's various features with examples. Now in the given example, you will learn about creating rectangles in J2ME.
24. Draw Font UsingCanvas Example
This example is used to draw the different types of font using Canvas class. The following line of code is used to show the different style, size and faces of font.
25. Draw String Using Canvas
This example is used to draw string on different location which is shown in figure. The given code is used to show, how to draw string at different locations.
26. Interactive, Non-Interactive Gauge Example
This example shows, how to create the Gauge class to draw the interactive and non-interactive gauge which is used to display the volume label.
27. Creating Volume Bar Using Gauge Class
This example is all about creating a volume bar using Gauge class. We are creating the object of Gauge class that contains the following parameters label, interactive, max Valueand initial Value and it has been set with the form.
28. Image Item Using Canvas Example
This example is will show you how to create the image at the top center of the screen.
29. Image Icon Using Canvas Example
This Example is going to draw a clip with SOLID line. In this picture only solid line show the clipping area.
30. Draw Clip Area Using Canvas
This Example is going to draw a clip with SOLID line. In this picture only solid line show the clipping area.
31. Player Class in J2ME
In J2ME, player class is used to play the.wav music, that is the only reason of using the class in our small application to create multimedia sounds.
32. Draw arc in J2ME
The given example isgoing to draw an arcusing canvas class of J2ME. You can also set a color for it, as we did in our example.
33. Building a J2ME sliding menu with text and images(part-1)
This example will show, how to create an image icon to perform the next action or next image from the list every time it's been clicked. So if you want to go from one icon to another icon by the nice sliding effect, you have to run the given example.
34. Building a J2ME sliding menu with text and images(part-2)
In the given J2ME Menus example, we have explained to create two different buttons that is going to perform as a backand forward buttons.
35. Video Player MIDlet Example
This example is all about how to play the MPEG files on your mobile device. To play the video file we have to import the javax.microedition.media.control package and certain sub-package that arerequired for the application.
36. User Define Alert Example
Creating a user defined alert message, In the given example we have created a image that can be fill with some colors and text.The following source code shows how to create the image, how to set the color and how to draw string.
37. Ring Tones MIDlet Example
In this example only two Ring Tones arecreated using Player class.
38. Pointer Example
This type of example is basically used in touch screen technology,here we are trying to create a pointer which location is based on the screen touch pointer.
39. Media MIDlet Example
Creating more then one player in a MIDlet, Here we have created an 'item' object for Hashtable and put all 'wav' file in this table with object 'key' and object 'value' which maps the keys to value.
40. Get Help MIDlet Example
This example illustrates how to take help from any other text file which is stored in res folder in your MIDlet. In this example we are creating a form which name is"New Form".
41. Different Size of Font MIDlet Example
This example simply shows the different size of font.
42. Audio MIDlet Example
This example illustrates how to play audio songs in your mobile application by creating a MIDlet. In the application we have created a player for an audio song by using of javax.microedition.API.
43. Access URL
This example is used to access the data from the specific url.The Stream Connectionis used to connect the application to the specific url by Airtime(connect to theinternet)
.44. Text MIDlet Example
With the help of text MIDlet example, we are going to show text using canvas class at different locations on the screen.
45. Arc MIDlet Example
In the previous drawarc example, we have explained how to draw an arch on the screen.But in this example we are going to show how to draw arc at different locations.
46. Simple Line Canvas Example
This is a simple example of drawing lines using canvas classin J2ME. In this example we are creating three different lines at different locations and form.
47. Graphics MIDlet Example
This is the another graphic example, where we are going to draw a image that look and act like satellite and earth. For creating these types of graphics in J2ME we use MIDlet's.
48. Rectangle Canvas MIDlet Example
The example illustrate show to draw the different types of rect angle in J2ME. We have created Canvas Rectangle class in this example that extends to the Canvas class to draw the given types of rectangle.
49. J2ME Draw String
In the previous examples, we learned about drawing different graphics onthe screen. Here in this example, we are going to show the string in J2ME.
50. Line Canvas MIDlet Example
In this example, we are going to draw to different lines which cross to each other on the center of the mobile window using Canvas class."CanvasCrossLine" class created by us extends the Canva sclass to draw both the lines.

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